Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog Ideas

I would much rather write about very open ended topics so that I could write about almost anything I want. If it's too specific I may not be interested in it and might not be able to find a way to make it personal and interesting to me. I think we could write recommendations on our blogs about books, movies, music, like we did on the back wall during English Lit. Some topics could be vacations or field trips, favourite activities, or school issues (and anything to do with fantasy!). I think the blogs should be marked on completion, but should have some sort of thought and effort put into it. Mindless gibberish probably shouldn't get much of a mark.

Monday, February 11, 2008


If I were to obtain a superpower it would have to be telekinesis. This would allow me to move things from a distance, unfortunately contributing to laziness. I would also have the ability to fly, in a way, by telekinetically moving myself. I would be able to control people to make them do my bidding...not that I would ever do this, but it's possible. I could also take advantage of others with superpowers by controlling them and forcing them to use there powers however I want. Telekinesis would enable me to play very effective pranks on others, for an example, levitating objects to give the impression of a ghost. I could even attempt to immitate Yoda and pretend I'm using the force. My mutated form of telekinesis allows me to not only control minds, but to erase and replace segments of memory within the person. I would be able to contribute to the medical field by controlling even the smallest instruments in a surgery. Finally, I could prevent major crashes and collisions by controlling the movements of planes, cars and boats. Those are the reasons I would want telekinesis as a superpower.